Another 5 Weight Loss Myths That Need To Go Already

I’ve covered a lot of fitness and workout myths here but these are definitely the ones that get repeated each time someone decides to give you a weight loss advice. Listen, if you want to shed extra pounds, all you have to do is change your diet towards healthier stuff, count calories if self-control’s an issue,…

Fit People Myths That Make Poor Excuses

Fit people myths are prevalent and seem like they just won’t die fast enough. You probably heard one or two or all of these and I’m sure will agree that they make poor excuses for anyone who still believes them. Fit People Myths Fit people aren’t superhuman Fast Metabolism First important fit people myth is…

Fitness Myths You Should Stop Worrying About

Fitness industry is full of myths and misconceptions, which often grow out of misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Professional sports and recreational fitness are two very different things but they are closely tied and sometimes the things that are true for athletes can be difficult or even impossible for lay gym goers. So here are a few…

Flat Abs Myths And Facts

‘Abs are made in the kitchen’ is a popular and true line and yet we see titles like ‘intense ab workout’ and ‘killer core moves’ everywhere across the Internet that promise you a six pack or at least flat abs in a week or a month. But then why do you have to train them?…

Real Facts About Metabolism

The elusive metabolism everyone’s been talking actively about for the last ten years is an interesting subject, since it involves so many processes in our bodies. And since it has a lot to do with the way energy is spent and converted from food, the fitness industry simply couldn’t stay away conducting research as well as spawning…

Why It’s Good To Be Aware And Weary of Fitness

Fitness is becoming (and in some places has already become) so popular and ubiquitous it’s amazing how many myths and fallacies are still going strong among even those who deem themselves professionals in the field. Things are becoming even more difficult when people are trying to comply with the same standards as professional athletes. With the popularization of fitness as…

What Do You Pay For In A Fitness Program

There are countless fitness programs on the market today, each including a diet plan and a workout or at least one of the weight loss “secrets”. Effective, easy, and sometimes innovative they claim to be but in fact there are just a few simple principles standing behind each and every “revolutionary” program. A few minutes…