5 Tricks To Help You Do More Cardio

Cardio is great for weight loss regardless of what you might be hearing from people. It’s effective and makes you not only look and feel good (provided you don’t neglect your weight training because then the rules of the game change) but it also makes your fitter and increases your endurance, which isn’t necessarily required…

How To Increase Your Fitness Level

There may come a time when you need to increase your fitness level. Although it is highly unlikely to happen in the modern world you might want to be generally fitter and be able to do more stuff or endure more physical strain for your job or just for the fun of it. There are a few ways…

Fitness Myths You Should Stop Worrying About

Fitness industry is full of myths and misconceptions, which often grow out of misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Professional sports and recreational fitness are two very different things but they are closely tied and sometimes the things that are true for athletes can be difficult or even impossible for lay gym goers. So here are a few…

Cardio, Weights? Where To Start Your Transformation

Cardio is the first thing that comes to mind after the diet, of course, where the fat burning is concerned. People think it burns tons of calories and makes you slim down at the sight. On the other hand, weights are perceived as a way to become bulky, heavy with muscles, and manly (which isn’t…

3 Things That Widen Your Waist

Tiny waist isn’t just coveted by women. It is also greatly valued in bodybuilding and male fitness as a sign of great physique. Just by changing a few things in your regimen and training can really help you define that waist or prevent it from thickening. Things That Ruin Your Waist Bad Diet Obviously the diet…

Circuit, HIIT, Yoga: What Fitness Program To Choose

So we’ve talked about diet and came to a conclusion that each of those were made to their own purpose. The same is with a fitness program really. There are so many workouts out there, you can try a new class every day. But eventually, you’ll have to stick to something, right? Or not. Choose Fitness Program According To…