How To Optimize Your Weight Loss

With a ton of diet and workout plans out there it’s hard not to get confused. Some say you should cut out white carbs (bread, rice, potato) while others break weight loss plateaus with help of white potatoes exclusively. Some Instagram fit chicks claim they do the fasted cardio on non-training days to keep lean,…

How To Treat Trouble Areas While Getting In Shape

Many people who are trying to get in shape really like to first target their perceived trouble areas. Someone who’s (real or perceived) trouble area is stomach does tons of crunches while those who want to slim down their legs do lots of leg exercises in the hopes they’ll shrink. Well, as with everything else, it’s…

3 Fitness Goals You Cannot Achieve Without Weights

Weights are important to any training program because they can make us much stronger and allow us to use our bodies much more effeciently. If you still haven’t incorporated weight training into your workout it’s high time to do it and reap the benefits, of which there are quite a few. Goals You Cannot Achieve Without…

How To Increase Your Fitness Level

There may come a time when you need to increase your fitness level. Although it is highly unlikely to happen in the modern world you might want to be generally fitter and be able to do more stuff or endure more physical strain for your job or just for the fun of it. There are a few ways…

Fit People Myths That Make Poor Excuses

Fit people myths are prevalent and seem like they just won’t die fast enough. You probably heard one or two or all of these and I’m sure will agree that they make poor excuses for anyone who still believes them. Fit People Myths Fit people aren’t superhuman Fast Metabolism First important fit people myth is…

Cardio, Weights? Where To Start Your Transformation

Cardio is the first thing that comes to mind after the diet, of course, where the fat burning is concerned. People think it burns tons of calories and makes you slim down at the sight. On the other hand, weights are perceived as a way to become bulky, heavy with muscles, and manly (which isn’t…

How To Get Bikini Body

It’s that time of year when everyone who didn’t make a fitness New Year’s resolution is starting to think about joining a gym to get that bikini body ready for the summer season. Well, guess what, you’re way behind than everybody else. Tips on Getting That Bikini Body Kayla Rose Those who started this year…