How To Enjoy Your Veggies

Eating your veggies is not always desirable even when possible. Many prefer pasta, rice, or, any other side dish that isn’t a vegetable. But here’s a thing. When people say veggies are good for you they are right. They aren’t only good for you in terms of nutrients and vitamins but vegetables provide us with…

How To Enjoy Working Out

Working out is not easy for a lot of people. Some just don’t like the activity while others don’t have the patience to see results from their work and quit before their bodies even get a chance to adapt. Yet many others have a constant struggle with exercising. They start and quite and then start again…

What’s CrossFit And How To Enjoy It

Before there was yoga fad and Zumba boom now it’s CrossFit, a combination of high-intensity moves and strength-training that instills awe and pride into people who do it. For others it could be intimidating though. Gruelling WODs (workouts of the day) and competitive nature of CrossFit isn’t for everybody but if you haven’t ever tried…

Watercress And More Nutrient Dense Foods That Are Better Than Kale

So each year there is a new hot food in town and healthy eaters are glad to exchange new recipes and convince others of their superfood’s superiority. But while many foods become popular because of the hype, scientists at William Paterson University decided to provide a clear definition of powerhouse fruits and vegetables by studying 47…