Why It Is Important To Maintain Weight

So I see this every scorching summer – bikini body’s on, come fall bikini body’s off and that’s till spring comes or new year starts and people run to the gym to build themselves anew. Boy, 99% of us probably did this at least once till some of us realized that it’s a no good…

Fitness Myths You Should Stop Worrying About

Fitness industry is full of myths and misconceptions, which often grow out of misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Professional sports and recreational fitness are two very different things but they are closely tied and sometimes the things that are true for athletes can be difficult or even impossible for lay gym goers. So here are a few…

Why It’s Good To Be Aware And Weary of Fitness

Fitness is becoming (and in some places has already become) so popular and ubiquitous it’s amazing how many myths and fallacies are still going strong among even those who deem themselves professionals in the field. Things are becoming even more difficult when people are trying to comply with the same standards as professional athletes. With the popularization of fitness as…

No More Trans Fats in Food

Trans fats are the worst kinds of fats because they’ve been linked to all kinds of diseases starting with cardiovascular ones all the way through to major depressive disorder and diminished memory. Now that they’re banned and the companies are given exactly three years to get rid of PHOs (partially hydrogenated oils – sources of trans…

What Do You Pay For In A Fitness Program

There are countless fitness programs on the market today, each including a diet plan and a workout or at least one of the weight loss “secrets”. Effective, easy, and sometimes innovative they claim to be but in fact there are just a few simple principles standing behind each and every “revolutionary” program. A few minutes…

Google Makes App That Counts Calories In Pictures of Food

Google is now developing an app that will count calories based on the pictures of your food. It will do so by identifying and breaking down the dishes in the pictures analysing them by pixels. Called Im2Calories the technology has been presented at the Boston Rework Deep Learing Summit by the research scientist Kevin Murphy who said that though…

How To Stay In Shape In Your 50’s

Staying in shape in your 50’s can be challenging but it’s definitely easier than getting in shape. So there is this thing called sarcopenia, which means muscle loss. It occurs with aging in adults over 30 regardless of whether they are active but apparently those who exercise may not feel as much of its effect, since…

How To Prevent Back Injuries

It’s not news that physical training is injury-prone and back is one of the most popular areas that gets hurt during a workout. Sometimes it’s not even the movement that literally breaks your back but all those bad habits that have been building up to this moment. There are a few ways to keep your…