Gym vs. Home Training

You wanted to go the gym, but it’s too much of hassle. Or maybe you wanted to work out at home, but ended up cluttering your house with all the equipment you didn’t use. Well, here is where you got it wrong. Which Is Better? Gym vs. Home Training If you tried to work out…

Why Summer Is A Good Time To Join Gym

If you ask me, any time is as good as any to join the gym. But people tend to find exuses in everything. You might think that there is no point in working out in summer because, well, it’s summer. But if you think that this season is the most important time to have a bikini body…

How To Make Yourself Work Out At Home

This is that time of the year when many people are realizing they could lead a better healthier lifestyle. New Year is coming and fitness resolutions are on many’s do-to lists for 2015. But also people don’t always commit to it even having a gym membership. Their reasons for this differ but some mention lack of…

How To Choose Personal Trainer

A personal trainer can become a strong support system for anyone in need of guidance and discipline. They cannot only provide you with fitness knowledge and techniques, but they can also become a living motivation for hard work and constant improvement. Since such a service may cost a substantial amount of money we suggest that you…

How To Stay In Shape While Injured

An injury can really throw anyone off the track. It takes time to heal and it makes it harder to exercise and stay in shape. Some injuries require bed rest, which eliminates exercise altogether. That is why injury prevention is so important in any sports and workout. Good form, proper technique, enough concentration, and rest…

Exercise And Cold: What To Know

It’s that time of the year now when cold weather and indoor/outdoor temperature contrast make a case for flu and casual colds and we need to be very careful in order to stay healthy. Washing hands, dressing to the weather, and even wearing masks around sick people are all good strategies at keeping the illness at…