Why Balanced Diet Is Best For Weight Loss And Maintenance

Okay so, we talked about all kinds of diets here but they all have some kinds of rules and restrictions that make them work. Paleo diet excludes dairy and grains while low-carb diets reduce carbohydrates that our bodies need to function properly and have the energy to put in the work. What we haven’t talked…

Cardio, Weights? Where To Start Your Transformation

Cardio is the first thing that comes to mind after the diet, of course, where the fat burning is concerned. People think it burns tons of calories and makes you slim down at the sight. On the other hand, weights are perceived as a way to become bulky, heavy with muscles, and manly (which isn’t…

How To Get Bikini Body

It’s that time of year when everyone who didn’t make a fitness New Year’s resolution is starting to think about joining a gym to get that bikini body ready for the summer season. Well, guess what, you’re way behind than everybody else. Tips on Getting That Bikini Body Kayla Rose Those who started this year…

Healthy Alternatives To Popular Favorite Foods

Popular favorite foods can rarely boast healthy nutrient-packed contents. On the contrary, they’re often full of empty calories and sodium or sugar. These are the first ones to go when people try to lose weight and eat healthy but cravings for these unhealthy treats can still linger on. Here are a few ways to indulge…