3 Fitness Goals You Cannot Achieve Without Weights

Weights are important to any training program because they can make us much stronger and allow us to use our bodies much more effeciently. If you still haven’t incorporated weight training into your workout it’s high time to do it and reap the benefits, of which there are quite a few. Goals You Cannot Achieve Without…

3 Benefits Of Training For Strength

So you’ve been lifting and building muscle and generally progressing. What now? Well, actually there are lots of ways to maintain your results, they all include physical activity of course but you could also get more serious and start training for strength. Why? Well, aside from getting stronger without putting any significant additional muscle.  Training…

How To Stay In Shape In Your 50’s

Staying in shape in your 50’s can be challenging but it’s definitely easier than getting in shape. So there is this thing called sarcopenia, which means muscle loss. It occurs with aging in adults over 30 regardless of whether they are active but apparently those who exercise may not feel as much of its effect, since…

How To Get Bikini Body

It’s that time of year when everyone who didn’t make a fitness New Year’s resolution is starting to think about joining a gym to get that bikini body ready for the summer season. Well, guess what, you’re way behind than everybody else. Tips on Getting That Bikini Body Kayla Rose Those who started this year…

Home Gym Equipment That’s Worth The Investment

Home gym maybe an expensive venture but can be a solution for those who cannot workout in a regular one. Although you don’t have to create a full fledged gym in your house you can definitely invest into some equipment that will give you numerous exercise options that might give you the results you could…

How To Make Yourself Work Out At Home

This is that time of the year when many people are realizing they could lead a better healthier lifestyle. New Year is coming and fitness resolutions are on many’s do-to lists for 2015. But also people don’t always commit to it even having a gym membership. Their reasons for this differ but some mention lack of…

3 Effective Workout Techniques For Muscle Gain

There are many workouts out there that are made to be effective for different purposes. CrossFit increases your overall fitness performance while circuit and HIIT training aim at effective fat loss. If you are out to build muscle though – which should be a vital part of your workout routine – there are quite a few…