Face Fitness: 3 Great Moves For Keeping Your Face And Neck Tight

Sometimes we get so wrapped in building our bodies we forget that our faces are changing each time we gain and lose weight as well. Now, I’m not sure exactly how effective these really are, but, hey, it couldn’t hurt to try, right? 3 Great Moves For Face And Neck Muscles One of the most problematic areas when it…

3 Fitness Goals You Cannot Achieve Without Weights

Weights are important to any training program because they can make us much stronger and allow us to use our bodies much more effeciently. If you still haven’t incorporated weight training into your workout it’s high time to do it and reap the benefits, of which there are quite a few. Goals You Cannot Achieve Without…

Fit People Myths That Make Poor Excuses

Fit people myths are prevalent and seem like they just won’t die fast enough. You probably heard one or two or all of these and I’m sure will agree that they make poor excuses for anyone who still believes them. Fit People Myths Fit people aren’t superhuman Fast Metabolism First important fit people myth is…

‘Cellulite’ Is A Norm

If there’s one thing that people should accept is that cellulite is not a condition you can easily get rid off. In fact, it is a variation of norm even in thin and athletic women. And guess what, some men have it too. We’re not exactly latex-skinned to look smooth and flawless all the time,…

Fitness Myths You Should Stop Worrying About

Fitness industry is full of myths and misconceptions, which often grow out of misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Professional sports and recreational fitness are two very different things but they are closely tied and sometimes the things that are true for athletes can be difficult or even impossible for lay gym goers. So here are a few…