Budget Tips: How To Eat Healthy

We often hear that eating healthy is expensive but in the long run it just makes more sense. Eating healthy and exercising has long been studied and linked to better health and life expectancy, fewer diseases, and overall wellness. This is not even taking into account the effects healthy lifestyle has on appearance and weight. If you…

How To Read Food Labels

Reading food labels can save you the trouble of packing on pounds without knowing why and struggling to shed them without success and again even knowing what is wrong with your diet. With such knowledge you can make healthier choices and really track what you put in your body. Tips On Reading Food Labels At…

How To Calculate Calories, What Are Macros And How To Calculate Them Too

When trying to shed weight counting calories may not only come in handy in terms of portion control but also keeping an eye for nutrients you get (or don’t) with the foods you eat. There are many programs and apps that allow you to calculate the amount of calories you need to eat to maintain, lose,…

How To Stick With Your Fitness Plan

Following your fitness plan religiously can be quite challenging but it is far from impossible. Besides if you’re only starting it can be too overwhelming to start working out, eating clean, eradicating bad habits you’ve been keeping for years. Here is a simple method that will help you stick with your fitness plan. Stick With Your Fitness Plan…

There Soon Might Be Device That Uses Electroshock to Motivate You to Workout

Fitness armbands and various other activity trackers are nice accessories for active people. These may not be entirely accurate (overestimating calorie burn by %23 as the research shows), but they are a bit more accurate than those cardio machines. They also help you track calory intake and sleep, which is important when trying to achieve different fitness…

How To Get Sexy Shapely Calves

Sexy shapely calves are a sight to be admired but many tend to neglect this body part since calf muscles aren’t that big resulting in a less than admirable view. Sure we use calves when we train our legs but we don’t neglect biceps as much as we do calves. No fair. Training your calves won’t only…

Challenging Variations of Basic Exercises

Working out at home can be pretty convenientbut performing basic moves can only be challenging for novices. Now if you want to crank up your workout intensity and challenge yourself it’s time to modify those push ups, bodyweight squats, and jumping jacks. Modify Basic Exercises To Challenge Your Body   Two point plank Clapping Push Up…