How To Stay In Shape While Injured

An injury can really throw anyone off the track. It takes time to heal and it makes it harder to exercise and stay in shape. Some injuries require bed rest, which eliminates exercise altogether. That is why injury prevention is so important in any sports and workout. Good form, proper technique, enough concentration, and rest…

Exercise And Cold: What To Know

It’s that time of the year now when cold weather and indoor/outdoor temperature contrast make a case for flu and casual colds and we need to be very careful in order to stay healthy. Washing hands, dressing to the weather, and even wearing masks around sick people are all good strategies at keeping the illness at…

How To Boost Your Metabolism

Embarking on a fitness journey you’ve probably heard how metabolism is important and the faster it is the better for weight loss and the amount of food one can consume. Well, metabolism, is a set of process that keep pur body functioning. It also converts food into energy. Metabolism boosting strategies involve all kinds of temporary…

5 Ways To Stay On Track With Your Healthy Lifestyle

Being fit is not about crash dieting and vigourous exercise. It’s about balance in said spheres and life in general. Being fit requires a lifestyle change, which can sometimes seem daunting and not manageable but with a bit of patience and desire to change healthy lifestyle is as manageable as anything. Stay On Track With Your…

3 Key Elements To Building Muscle

Muscles are important. They not only make you strong but also burn more calories than fat. They also shape up your body to be lean and have the nice curves. To build muscles you need three important elements that go hand in hand and that require some time and effort. Elements For Building Muscle Caloric Surplus To…