3 Ab Facts That You Need To Know

Okay, so you are an ab person. You want to finally see your six pack and flaunt it on the beach. You exercise, you dieta, and follow the generall ab advice but here are a few facts about your rectus abdominis you need to know. Assymetrical abs are normal and born with Abs Need Work…

Quick Results: How To Get Them And How To Keep Them

Let’s be honest everyone of us wants quick(er) results. You can’t wait to see those abs that’s why you’re checking them after each set of whatever exercise you’re doing for abs. The same for every other muscle. But we also have a notion that quick results are either nonexistent or inferior than the slow progress. Is…

Fit People Myths That Make Poor Excuses

Fit people myths are prevalent and seem like they just won’t die fast enough. You probably heard one or two or all of these and I’m sure will agree that they make poor excuses for anyone who still believes them. Fit People Myths Fit people aren’t superhuman Fast Metabolism First important fit people myth is…

Real Facts About Metabolism

The elusive metabolism everyone’s been talking actively about for the last ten years is an interesting subject, since it involves so many processes in our bodies. And since it has a lot to do with the way energy is spent and converted from food, the fitness industry simply couldn’t stay away conducting research as well as spawning…

‘Cellulite’ Is A Norm

If there’s one thing that people should accept is that cellulite is not a condition you can easily get rid off. In fact, it is a variation of norm even in thin and athletic women. And guess what, some men have it too. We’re not exactly latex-skinned to look smooth and flawless all the time,…